projeto conceitual do protótipo Rover





lean office, waste, value stream mapping, student teams, Rover project


Student engineering competition teams have significant importance in the student’s professional development due to the encouragement of teamwork, proactive approaches, and responsibility. Therefore, the teams seek to improve their prototypes, improving the efficiency of the project from its conception to its track run in the competition. The Engineering School of Universidade Federal Fluminense has several student competition teams and one of them is The Myths Brazil, which develops a prototype of a two-seater human-powered vehicle capable of moving on various types of terrain. This team aims at participating in the international competition called NASA Human Exploration Rover Challenge in Huntsville, Alabama, USA. Because the team is new and inexperienced, its members had communication issues causing poor information transfer among them from the project’s conception to the beginning of the vehicle’s manufacture. In this context, the objective of this final paper is to apply lean office concepts to The Myths Brazil team in order to identify possible sources of waste and suggest ways to improve the design stages. To this end, a map of the current state of the project's development was made and the types of waste from the lean office were identified. After that, a course of action using lean tools was made along with a map of the future state of the project’s development. According to the results and the course of action created to eliminate each type of waste, it is expected that the project’s lead time could experience a reduction of 61%.


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How to Cite

BENINI, Lucas; MENDES, Mateus Genaro; ALVEZ, Luíza Machado; MORAES JUNIOR, José Mauro; LETA, Fabiana Rodrigues. LEAN OFFICE CONCEPTS APPLICATION IN THE ROVER PROTOTYPE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN STAGE OF A UNIVERSITY COMPETITION TEAM: projeto conceitual do protótipo Rover. Cadernos UniFOA, Volta Redonda, v. 18, n. 51, 2022. DOI: 10.47385/cadunifoa.v18.n51.3995. Disponível em: https://unifoa.emnuvens.com.br/cadernos/article/view/3995. Acesso em: 6 oct. 2024.



Tecnologia e Engenharias

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