Modelo didático de embrião do Zebrafish (Danio rerio)

uma proposta para introdução ao ensino de Medicina Translacional


  • Emilly Vitoria Leonardo da Silva
  • Pabyton Gonçalves Cadena
  • Marilia Ribeiro Sales Cadena UFRPE



Didactic models are tools that enhance and facilitate teaching-learning, as they represent reality in an interactive and dynamic way, providing the student with practical contact with what was studied, especially when they explore dimensions they can promote the inclusion of students with visual impairments. and promote comprehensive, inclusive and integrated education. Therefore, the main objective of this work is to develop a teaching model of a Danio rerio embryo aged 24 hours after fertilization in 3D as an inclusive teaching tool for sighted and visually impaired students. The teaching model was designed in 3D, sliced ​​and printed on a 3D printer. Afterwards, it was validated by judges, obtaining satisfactory results regarding the objectives of the teaching product, structure, presentation, scientific and educational relevance in D. rerio's embryology, inclusion and accessibility. Thus, the didactic model developed expands and assists the teaching-learning of science in the area of ​​embryology and contributes to the accessibility of education for students with visual impairments.


