Science Teaching: STEAM approach combined with Active Methodologies in the learning process of Basic Education students


  • Dayane Felix de Souza Instituto Federal de Mato Grosso - IFMT
  • Geison Jader Mello Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia de Mato Grosso, Campus Cuiabá.


Uma práxis educacional pouco atrativa e descontextualizada pode desencadear nos alunos o desinteresse pelos estudos. Práticas educativas mais
significativas no processo de ensino-aprendizagem podem ser bem-sucedidas e despertar o interesse dos alunos
em aprender. A pesquisa mostrou a Abordagem STEAM aliada a outras Metodologias Ativas como possibilidade de
um ensino diferenciado, significativo, ativo e problematizador. Assim, o objetivo desta pesquisa é avaliar
três Sequências Didáticas (SD) apoiadas na abordagem STEAM e Metodologias Ativas em
aulas de Ciências Naturais na Educação Infantil (EI), Ensino Fundamental (EF) e Ensino Médio (EM) na
perspectiva de verificar as contribuições dessas ações. Foi utilizada metodologia qualitativa, por meio de
action-research, due to the involvement of both the researcher and the researched. As a methodological tool,
Paulo Freire's Culture Circle was used, which has as its main characteristic, dialogue and language articulated
to the daily experience of the participants and the problematization of knowledge that enhances social changes,
as well as observation will be instruments that subsidized data collection. The results showed that the Active
Methodologies from the perspective of the STEAM Approach contribute significantly to students' learning,
regardless of their level of education. It is also noted that this approach together with active methodologies
are strong contributions to the educational process in Science teaching and promote significant learning
possibilities, contributing to the development of skills and competences advocated in the BNCC, with the purpose
of developing the construction of citizens critics and agents of change.


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