Coaching Criacional no ensino superior

uma análise sobre o perfil do aluno do Curso de Direito do Centro Universitário de Volta Redonda


  • Luiz Claudio Gonçalves Junior UniFOA
  • Ivyna Spínola Jordão Centro Universitário de Volta Redonda - UniFOA
  • Alan Pançardes Rocha Centro Universitário de Volta Redonda - UniFOA



Coaching Criacional; UniFOA; Perfil; Aluno; Direito.


The IGT International Coaching is an institution with more than 20,000 trained coaches that has been operating in the human development market since 2014. The objective is to describe the work with the employees of the Centro Universitário de Volta Redonda. The focus was on Law students and aimed to maximize the personal and professional potential of this group, considering the individual profile of each one of them from creative and reflective perspectives. Specifically, weaknesses and strengths of the researched group were identified, which is why the generalized profile of students of both sexes was accepted. The only established condition was that the participants were regularly enrolled between the seventh and tenth period of the Law course. The research is justified because it allows maintaining and/or redoing training processes that make them more prepared for the job market, demonstrating the importance of the coach's activity in the educational field.


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