
  • Rachel Saraiva Belmont Salgado de Oliveira University Graduate Program in Physical Activity Sciences
  • Duane Knudson Texas State University Department of Health and Human Performance
  • Paula Hentschel Lobo da Costa Federal University of São Carlos Department of Physical Education and Human Motricity
  • Evelyse dos Santos Lemos Oswaldo Cruz Foundation Graduate Program in Biosciences and Health Teaching Laboratory of Environmental and Health Education



Although there is a consensus that musculoskeletal anatomy is essential knowledge for learning biomechanical concepts, there are few studies that have documented the nature of this interdependence. A qualitative case study approach was used to identify how the applied knowledge of functional anatomy might influence meaningful learning of biomechanics. Thirteen physical education students enrolled in an introductory biomechanics course at a university, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, participated in this study. Meaningful learning theory was the major theoretical framework used in the study and content analysis of students’ learning activities were performed. Findings suggest that these students’ prior knowledge of functional anatomy was insufficient, fragmented, or missing, and these weaknesses in prerequisite knowledge and their approach to learning can be barriers to meaningful learning of biomechanical concepts.


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