Is the Brazilian fauna well represented on children's books?


  • Graziele Scalfi
  • Germana Barata


Palabras clave:

Brazilian fauna, Children’s literature, Science communication, Scientific culture


This paper examine children books about Brazilian fauna, especially those whose content reveals a potential for science communication. The research was conducted in Brazilian publishers, bookstores and in the Google search engine for books, using the keywords “animals”, “Brazilian animals” and “national fauna”. The content and descriptive analysis was performed in 24 books that presentedwild animals in their natural habitat and portrayed realistically to verify the strategies used in the dissemination of animal biology, focusing on language, content and images.There is a significant number of books about Brazilian animals for children (199), but few are available for purchase (61). Only seven were considered adequate to disseminate animal science, indicating that few books associate scientific knowledge with quality text, bringing together information and aesthetics of the word, as well as beautiful and attractive illustrations. However, all titles play an important role in the popularization of native species.


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