Psychogenic orofacial pain: literature review, development of a diagnostic questionnaire and three cases report.


  • Omar Franklin Molina Master of Sciences (UFSC-SC), PA (AES, Chicago, USA), Post Doctoral in Orofacial Pain (Harvard University, USA), Ex Research Associate University of Texas, San Antonio, USA, Professor of Orofacial Pain UNIRG-TO, Brazil.
  • Zeila Coelho Santos Master of Sciences, Professor of Orthodontics and Orofacial Pain UNIRG-TO
  • Natalia de Paula e Silva Nursing Specialist, UNIRG-TO
  • Karla Regina Gama Speech Therapist, Language Specialists CEFAC, MDS in Education and Psychoanalysis, Speech Therapy Professor UNIRG-TO.
  • Rogério Ferreira Marchezan MDS in Cognitive Psychology, Vice-Dean for Student Affairs UNIRG-TO
  • Sérgio Elias Cury MDS, Ph.D in Oral Pathology (USP), Professor of Oral Pathology UNIFOA, Volta Redonda, RJ.
  • Jamil Elias Dib MDS (Public Health), Specialist in Oral Surgery UFPEL, Professor of Oral Surgery, UNIRG-TO.



Headache Psychogenic Pain Depression Questionnaire


Objectives: Review the literature on psychogenic face or head pain, develop a diagnostic questionnaire for psychogenic head and face pain and present three clinical cases presenting psychogenic pain. Material and Methods: Review of 18 papers on psychogenic pain to develop a diagnostic questionnaire with questions to be answered by patients  that presented these three clinical cases. Results: The common things observed in three patients presenting psychogenic pain were  higher scores  in bruxing behavior, depression, somatization, severe pain and the presence of psychic conflict. Conclusions: Various types of other face and headaches occur in subjects with psychogenic face and head pain. Psychogenic pain individuals usually present severe pain associated with depression. Psychic conflict, somatization and depression are usually associated with psychogenic pain.


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Como Citar

MOLINA, Omar Franklin; SANTOS, Zeila Coelho; E SILVA, Natalia de Paula; GAMA, Karla Regina; MARCHEZAN, Rogério Ferreira; CURY, Sérgio Elias; DIB, Jamil Elias. Psychogenic orofacial pain: literature review, development of a diagnostic questionnaire and three cases report. Cadernos UniFOA, Volta Redonda, v. 7, n. 19, p. 81–92, 2017. DOI: 10.47385/cadunifoa.v7.n19.1105. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 out. 2024.



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